If you are searching for McKesson corporate office address or phone number, you have come to the right place because here we have provided all information about McKesson head office address and company contact information.
Headquarters Contact Information
Head office address | Sapphire Court, Walsgrave Triangle, Coventry, CV2 2TX UK |
Corporate email | talentacquisition@mckesson.uk |
Head office number | 02476 432000 |
Head Office website | mckesson.com |
@McKesson | |
Twitter page | @McKesson |
Note: Please send any important correspondence or suggestion to the above mentioned corporate office of McKesson UK.
McKesson company profile
McKesson started small, but today, the reach is vast across both the US and Europe. They unite 78,000 colleagues globally 21,000 in the UK alone. They are all working together to provide health and well-being solutions that make a difference to customers and patients’ lives every day. Their headquarters address is located at Sapphire Court, Walsgrave Triangle, Coventry, CV2 2TX UK.
- Industries: Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
- Company size: 10,001+ employees
- Headquarters: Coventry, Warwickshire
- Type: Public Company
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How do I contact McKesson Corporate Office UK?
In this day you may contact McKesson uk through the corporate phone number, the McKesson email address, the head office, or social media etc.
Mailing Address: Here you can contact via McKesson postal address is Sapphire Court, Walsgrave Triangle, Coventry, CV2 2TX. If you have any questions any suggestions try this Head office address for fast response.
Phone number: We’ve highlighted McKesson uk contact number +44 (0) 2476 432000 so you can get answers to your questions quickly and simply.
McKesson email address: talentacquisition@mckesson.uk
Above information is just basic enquiry phone numbers and contact information but, If you want any particular information and phone number so here we list out all the phone numbers and email address.
McKesson uk customer service number
If you searching McKesson contact number, so you are on the right place. Because here, we have provided a list of McKesson technical support numbers. You can call McKesson customer support +44 (0) 2476 432000 Phone Number given here and solve your queries.
McKesson headquarters executive team
Meet the team providing strong leadership to McKesson headquarters. Below are some executive team members name of McKesson corporate office United Kingdom.
- Toby Anderson: CEO
- Chris Keen: Chief Finance Officer
- Jane Davies: HR Director
- Kevin Birch: Chief Retail Officer
- Steve Howard: Director and Superintendent
- Ashley Cowen: Sales and Operations Director
- Ranjit Gill: IT Director
- David Bound: Commercial Director
- Kyle Rowe: Chief Marketing and Digital Officer
About us
McKesson is one of the oldest and largest healthcare companies in the world. Covering 16 countries, one common purpose to make better health possible. Healthcare is experiencing significant change, both globally, and in the UK.