If you are searching for Unison corporate office address or phone number, you have come to the right place because here we have provided all information about Unison head office address and company contact information.
Headquarters Contact Information
Head office address | 130 Euston Road, London, NW1 2AY UK |
Corporate email | education@unison.org.uk |
Head office number | 0800 0 857 857 |
Official Website | unison.org.uk |
@Unison | |
Twitter page | @Unison |
Note: Please send any important correspondence or suggestion to the above mentioned corporate office of Unison UK.
Unison company profile
Unison is the UK’s largest union, serving more than 1.3 million members. They represent full-time and part-time staff who provide public services, although they may be employed in both the public and private sectors. Their headquarters address is located at 130 Euston Road, London, NW1 2AY UK.
- Type: Nonprofit
- Founded: 1993
- Industries: Organizations
- Headquarters: London, UK
- Members: 1,210,250 members
- Company size: 51-200 employees
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How do I contact Unison Corporate Office UK?
In this day you may contact Unison uk through the corporate phone number, the Unison email address, the head office, or social media etc.
Mailing Address: Here you can contact via Unison postal address is 130 Euston Rd, London, NW1 2AY. If you have any questions any suggestions try this Head office address for fast response.
Head office phone number: We’ve highlighted Unison uk contact number 0800 0 857 857 so you can get answers to your questions quickly and simply.
If you searching Unison head office contact number, so you are on the right place. Because here, we have provided a list of Unison technical support numbers.
You can call Unison customer support 0800 0 857 857 Phone Number given here and solve your queries.
Headquarters executive team
Meet the team providing strong leadership to Unison headquarters. Below are some executive team members name of Unison corporate office United Kingdom.
- Andrea Egan: Vice President
- Libby Nolan and Amerit Rait: Vice Presidents
- Christina McAnea: General Secretary
- Paul Holmes: President
About us
Unison is the largest trade union in the UK and generally cover both full-time and part-time support and administrative staff. It’s members work predominantly in public services, including local government, education, health and outsourced services.